Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Guess who's back, back again?

Well, it's not Justin... It's me! Seems I somehow deleted my old blog and all of the wonderful blogs that I so faithfully follow. I had my pity party, and then I decided that I would view this as a Spring cleaning of sorts. I'm about to start a new chapter in my life that I am so excited about and I hope that this brand new blog will be just the thing to inspire me to share with all of you lovelies.

Some new things happening in my husband and my life right now...
1. I am starting a new job on April 11 at a Pediatric Clinic. I will be the primary nurse for one of the wonderful docs there. It's a M-F 9-6 gig and I'm super-d-duper excited! No more nights for me!
2. Jim will be starting Medical School at University of Arkansas for Medical Science in August. We are looking forward to this with trust that the Lord will give him (US!) the strength to make it through the next 4 years!
3. We are looking to buy a house! Since we will both be working/schooling (is that a word?) in Little Rock, we are looking to make a BIG move in the next couple months. The sooner the better since Arkansas summers are brutal and it always seems that I am moving during them. I'm sick of it! We have been peruesing the internet for months and have recently gone and looked at a couple. Seems that there has been something major wrong with all of them. We are trusting that the Lord has the perfect new home just waiting for us.

Well, that is what's new with my little home right now. I promise to be a better steward of this blog and to keep you all updated!

Have a wonderful day,
